JL LIFEPAK® CR2 defibrillator semi-automatic is an AED designed with advanced features
like cprINSIGHT technology allows it to analyze the heart rhythm while CPR is
being performed, reducing interruptions. The Wi-Fi connectivity ensures
real-time device status updates, enabling timely maintenance and readiness
checks. Additionally, its continuous self-monitoring ensures the device is
operational whenever needed. This makes it a reliable tool for delivering swift,
life-saving treatment in critical moments.
Semi-automatic AEDs are
commonly used because they combine safety with responder involvement, reducing
the risk of accidental shocks while ensuring proper care.
UL listed and
labeled as an approved membrane penetration firestop system for up to 2 hours in
accordance with UL 1479 (ASTM-E814) and CAN/ULC-S115.

JL Industries a division of Activar Construction Products Group, Inc.
Manufacturers Part # 99512-001261